Turbine Rotorbore Inspection System
Determining the reliability and remaining life of steam turbine rotorbores and generators requires reliable and repeatable boresonic inspection results and is of great importance to the utility industry. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) began studying this issue circa 1982, and in 1990 a guide line and qualification was developed to evaluate and quantify detection performance, depth and length sizing, and repeatability. The AIS boresonic inspection system meets EPRI requirements and has been qualified on numerous occasions and is standard for the industry.
The AIS Turbine Rotorbore system is a complete turn key package, sled scanner, motion control, instrumentation, transducers, wedges, cal blocks, rotor specific software for life assessment, and training. AIS offers experience, knowledge, and expertise enabling customers to realize rate of return on their very first rotor inspection.
Sled Scanner Mounted on Turbine
Rotorbore Calibration Block
LP Double Flow Rotor
Bottle Bore
Honing Machine
Bore Plug Measurements
Men Working
Shop Floor