Data Images
All AIS systems record raw waveforms at high speed and resolution. Fast imaging and analysis algorithms condense this large quantity of data into useful information. Doing so ensures value and quality. A number of data examples highlighting versatility are shown below. Most images are shown in Cscan format, a plan view from the top. All data acquired can be imaged in Cscan, Bscan, B'Scan, Stacked Ascans, and Ascan format. From the high resolution images, the operator only needs to burrow down into the raw wave forms to characterize and measure any anomalies or indications in a timely manner.
Practical uses for AIS technology covers a wide range of industries, Oil and Gas, Power Generation, Aerospace, Utilities, Water Districts, Pulp and Paper Mills, Manufacturing, and Maintenance Facilities. Example applications include Pipelines, Pressure Vessels, Tank Walls, Large Aircraft Panels, Aircraft components, Wind Turbine Blades, Penstocks, and Steam Turbine Rotobores.
Pipe Elbow Thickness Measurements
Hammer Forged Pipe Delaminations
Cscan - Bubbler Technique
TOFD Example
Carbon Composite Test Sample
Carbon Graphite Step Wedge
Zonal Technique
Glass Reinforced Fiber Calibration Block
Turbine Rotorbore Example